
WFC generator is created as a solid example of a fully architectured system. Below, you can see how each method contributes to the overall functionality of the wave function collapse algorithm. This approach ensures a modular, efficient, and expandable system for procedural level generation.

Key Characteristics of The WFC System

  1. Separation of Concerns: Distinct classes (WfcGenerator, CellSO, ModuleSO) each serving a specific purpose:
    • WfcGenerator: Manages the overall process of generating the grid and collapsing cells.
    • CellSO: Represents individual cells in the grid, each with its potential modules and state.
    • ModuleSO: Represents the modules that can occupy cells, including their connections and properties.
  2. Data Management: Using ScriptableObjects (CellSO, ModuleSO) to store cell and module data makes the system modular and allows easy configuration and extension without changing the code.
  3. Modularity and Extensibility: The system is modular, allowing new modules and cells to be added by creating new ScriptableObjects. This is a sign of good software architecture, making the system easily extensible and maintainable.
  4. Encapsulation and Reusability: The generator encapsulates the WFC algorithm logic, including initialization, neighbor checking, entropy calculation, and cell collapsing. This makes the code reusable for generating different types of levels or maps.
  5. Event-Driven Architecture: Using UnityEvent for events like OnMapReady shows an event-driven architecture, which is helpful in decoupling different parts of the system.
  6. Clear Flow and Management: The script has a clear flow: initializing the grid (Generate), starting the collapse (StartWave), managing the collapse (CollapseCell, CollapseGrid), and finding neighbors (FindNeighbors). This clear flow helps in maintaining and understanding the system.

Code Explanation (WfcGenerator)

Class and Variables Setup

        public class WfcGenerator : MonoBehaviour
            public List cells = new List();
            private List candidateCells = new List();
            public CellSO Cell; // A reference to a CellSO ScriptableObject, which defines possible modules.
            public int _width;  // Width of the grid.
            public int _length; // Length of the grid.
            [SerializeField] private int _moduleSize; // Size of each module.
            private int firstCollapse; // Index of the first cell to be collapsed.
            // Other variables...


Purpose: The WfcGenerator class is the main driver for the WFC algorithm in Unity. It controls the grid's generation, the collapse process, and the interaction between different cells and modules.


  • cells and candidateCells are lists that store all cells and candidate cells for collapse.
  • Cell is a CellSO (ScriptableObject) that defines possible modules for each cell. [see]
  • _width and _length define the dimensions of the grid.
  • firstCollapse tracks the first cell to be collapsed to start the WFC process.

Event Listeners Setup

        void OnEnable()
        void OnDisable()


Purpose: These methods manage event listeners, ensuring the appropriate methods are called when specific events occur (like starting or initializing a level).

OnEnable and OnDisable:

  • OnEnable: Registers methods (GenerateWFC and RecreateLevel) to respond to events (OnLevelStart and OnLevelInitialize).
  • OnDisable: Unregisters these methods to prevent memory leaks or unintended behavior when the object is disabled or destroyed.

Level Recreation

        private void RecreateLevel()


Purpose: Resets the grid and clears all data to start fresh. This function is useful when restarting or initializing a new level.


  • Clears all lists to remove previous data and reset the state.
  • Destroys gridHolder, which is a GameObject that contains all the grid cells.
  • Calls StartLevel from LevelManager to begin the level setup process anew.

Grid Generation and Initialization

        public void GenerateWFC()
        private void Generate()
            CellSO originalCell = Cell;
            for (int row = 0; row < _width; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < _length; col++)
                    CellSO cell = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
                    cell.modules = new List(originalCell.modules);
                    cell.cellPos = new Vector3(row * _moduleSize, 0, col * _moduleSize * -1);
                    cell.Row = row;
                    cell.Column = col;


Purpose: These methods are responsible for generating the grid of cells and initializing the WFC process.

GenerateWFC: Orchestrates the generation, starting the wave, and collapsing the grid.


  • Iterates over a grid size defined by _width and _length.
  • Creates new CellSO instances for each position in the grid.
  • Copies modules from the originalCell (a predefined CellSO) to each new cell, setting its position and grid coordinates.

Starting the Wave Function Collapse

        private void StartWave()
            firstCollapse = cells.Count / 2;
            cells[firstCollapse].isCollapsed = true;
            int starterModule = Random.Range(0, cells[firstCollapse].modules.Count);
            cells[firstCollapse].modules.RemoveAll(module => module != cells[firstCollapse].modules[starterModule]);
            prefabRotation = cells[firstCollapse].modules[0].modulePrefab.transform.rotation;
            GameObject obj = Instantiate(cells[firstCollapse].modules[0].modulePrefab, cells[firstCollapse].cellPos, prefabRotation);
            moduleObject = obj.GetComponent();
            if (moduleObject != null)
                moduleObject.Row = cells[firstCollapse].Row;
                moduleObject.Column = cells[firstCollapse].Column;
            ListRotatableMOTransforms(cells[firstCollapse].modules[0], obj.transform);
            gridHolder = Instantiate(emptyObject);
            gridHolder.transform.position = obj.transform.position;


Purpose: Initializes the wave collapse by randomly selecting a module for the first cell and setting it up in the grid.


  • firstCollapse: Starts collapsing from the middle of the grid (cells.Count / 2).
  • Random Module Selection: Randomly selects a module for the first cell and removes all other modules that are not selected.
  • Instantiation: Instantiates the selected module's prefab at the cell's position with its rotation.
  • Grid Holder Setup: Creates a gridHolder GameObject to manage the positioning of all grid cells collectively.

Finding and Collapsing the Grid Cells

        private void FindNeighbors(CellSO cell)
            _row = cell.Row;
            _col = cell.Column;
            // Check each direction (North, South, East, West) and add valid neighbors to candidateCells...
        private CellSO FindLowestEntropy()
            int lowestModuleCount = candidateCells.Min(list => list.modules.Count); 
            var lowestEntropies = candidateCells.Where(num => num.modules.Count == lowestModuleCount).ToList();
            if (lowestEntropies.Count > 1)
                lowestEntropyValue = lowestEntropies.Min(x => x.entropy);
                var lowestEntropyValues = lowestEntropies.Where(entropyValue => entropyValue.entropy == lowestEntropyValue).ToList();
                return lowestEntropyValues.Count > 1 
                    ? lowestEntropyValues[Random.Range(0, lowestEntropyValues.Count)] 
                    : lowestEntropyValues[0];
                return lowestEntropies[0];


Purpose: These methods are essential for determining the next cell to collapse based on their entropy and updating their states accordingly.


  • Searches for valid neighbor cells around a given cell (North, South, East, West) that have not yet collapsed.
  • Adds valid neighbors to the candidateCells list for potential collapse.


  • Finds the cell with the lowest entropy (the fewest possible modules) among the candidateCells.
  • If multiple cells have the same lowest entropy, it randomly selects one to add variety and avoid deterministic patterns in the grid generation.

Updating Cells and Matching Modules

        private void UpdateCell(int direction, CellSO neighborCell, CellSO cell)
            // direction: 0 = North, 1 = South, 2 = East, 3 = West
            neighborCell.modules.RemoveAll(possibleModule => !IsMatching(direction, possibleModule, cell.modules[0]));
            neighborCell.entropy = neighborCell.modules.Sum(x => x.moduleUsageCount);
        private bool IsMatching(int direction, ModuleSO neighborModule, ModuleSO cellModule)
            if (direction == 0) // North
                return neighborModule.south == cellModule.north;
            if (direction == 1) // South
                return neighborModule.north == cellModule.south;
            if (direction == 2) // East
                return neighborModule.west == cellModule.east;
            if (direction == 3) // West
                return neighborModule.east == cellModule.west;
            return false;


Purpose: These methods are used to refine the possible modules for each cell based on its neighbors, ensuring that the modules match correctly according to predefined rules.


  • Filters out modules in a neighboring cell that do not match the module in the currently collapsed cell.
  • Recalculates the entropy of the neighboring cell after possible modules have been removed.


  • Checks if a module in a neighboring cell matches the module in the current cell based on their edges (north, south, east, west).

Finalizing the Collapse

        public void CollapseGrid()
            while (candidateCells.Any(cell => !cell.isCollapsed))
                var cellToCollapse = FindLowestEntropy();
                cellToCollapse.isCollapsed = true;
                // Continue the collapse process by selecting and instantiating modules as in StartWave...
        private void AnnounceMapReady()


Purpose: Manages the collapse of all cells in the grid until no more cells are left uncollapsed, finalizing the procedural generation process.


  • CollapseGrid: Continuously collapses cells with the lowest entropy, reducing the possible states in each step.
  • AnnounceMapReady: Invokes an event to signal that the map generation is complete, allowing other systems to proceed.

Other Scripts


        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using UnityEngine;
        [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "WFC/CellSO")]
        public class CellSO : ScriptableObject 
            public List modules = new List();
            [HideInInspector] public Vector3 cellPos;
            public bool isCollapsed = false;
            [HideInInspector] public int entropy = 0;
            public int Row { get; set; }
            public int Column { get; set; }
            private void OnDisable()
                isCollapsed = false;
                entropy = 0;


        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using UnityEngine;
        [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "WFC/ModuleSO")]
        public class ModuleSO : ScriptableObject 
            public GameObject modulePrefab;
            [HideInInspector] public ModuleObject moduleObject;
            public int north;
            public int south;
            public int east;
            public int west;
            [HideInInspector] public int moduleUsageCount = 0;
            [HideInInspector] public List moduleType = new List();
            private void OnEnable()
                moduleObject = modulePrefab.GetComponent();
                if (moduleObject != null)
                    moduleObject.north = north;
                    moduleObject.south = south;
                    moduleObject.east = east;
                    moduleObject.west = west;
            void OnDisable()
                moduleUsageCount = 0;


        using UnityEngine.Events;

        public static class EventManager
            public static UnityEvent OnLevelStart = new UnityEvent();
            public static UnityEvent OnLevelInitialize = new UnityEvent();
            public static UnityEvent OnMapReady = new UnityEvent();

            // Other event-related methods...